In 2022, Jacob Meadows returned to CSM Production in a newly designed role of Senior Director of Resources. In this role, Jacob manages all resources - both logistical and personnel, for any event that CSM Production produces. From the renting of heavy machinery to travel coordination to the management of contract labor to full-time “head-hunting,” Jacob manages it all.

In his time at CSM Production, Jacob has had 11 different titles, and has the business cards to prove it. Starting as a video editor and warehouse assistant, Jacob has also been an audio engineer, head of the Video department, head of Audio & Video, and head of Production, where he held the distinction of having the most direct reports of any manager in CSM North America, with 26 full-time employees reporting to him at one time.

A native of Key Largo, Fla., Jacob graduated from Full Sail University in 2005 with a degree in Recording Arts. He currently lives “on the Harrisburg and Concord line” with his wife Ashley and son, Connor.

Connect with Jacob on LinkedIn


 What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

It’s gross and cliche to quote someone who still works here, but Jay [Howard] once told me “Perception is reality.” At the time, I didn’t know what it meant, but years later, I’ve finally figured it out.

What’s one thing on your bucket list you’ve yet to accomplish?

I would love to whitewater kayak the entire Colorado River before there may not be a Colorado River any longer.

What’s the most rewarding thing about working at CSM Production?

It’s the people. I like people. I like to work with different people, and there is no more diverse crowd than the people who do live events. They come from everywhere.

If you could learn a new skill, personal or professional, what would it be?

Slalom kayaking is something that I've never done. I've been around it my whole life, and I don't know why I haven't tried it, so I'd like to learn that. Professionally, there's tons of things I don't know, but I specialize in knowing what I don't know. I would just like to learn more about company operation, what it takes to really, behind the scenes, keep the business afloat.

What’s the best book you’ve ever read?

My favorite book, and one of the only books I’ve read through and through is To Kill a Mockingbird.


When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I wanted to be something in the Navy, I don’t know why, but I always wanted to be in the Navy. I've just been around water my whole life. When we lived in Key Largo, we actually lived on a boat that was docked permanently, basically, but I've lived on water my whole life. I get land sick.

What’s your favorite sandwich?

Ooh, I don’t like sandwiches at all. If I had to choose, it’d be an Italian, but I probably only eat like three sandwiches a year.

If you were going to remove every app on your phone but three, which apps would you keep?

Google Sheets. Google Drive, and Google Analytics.

What would your “Walk-Up” song be?

Every Day is Exactly the Same by Nine Inch Nails

If you had your own late-night talk show, who would be the first guest?

Bill Murray. I’ve got a man crush on him. I’m obsessed with Bill Murray. My favorite movie is The Grand Budapest Hotel, and I’ve literally watched it 200 times, probably more.