Originally hailing from San Simon, Ariz., Gary Dozier leads our transportation and logistics department, ensuring that the “show” gets where it needs to go, when it needs to get there, gets there on time, and looks good doing it.

An 11-year Air Force veteran, Dozier handled transportation and logistics while in the service, spending the latter part of his service handling those tasks for Air Force Entertainment, the Air Force’s Entertainment arm. Following September 11, Air Force Entertainment performed a number of times on the NASCAR Circuit, events that were produced by CSM Production - then known as JHE Production. He became very familiar with Jay Howard, who offered him a job if he ever needed one. As he left the service in 2002, the two reconnected, and Dozier was headed to Charlotte to take on a new transportation and logistics challenge. He’s been with CSM Production ever since.

He currently resides in New London, N.C.

Connect with Gary on LinkedIn!


 What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

I’ve been given a lot of really good advice over the years, but don’t realize it’s good advice until you don’t take it. The best I’ve ever been given is “No matter what the job you’re doing, make sure to do it to the best of your ability.”

What’s one thing on your bucket list you’ve yet to accomplish?

I’d like to see a Garth Brooks concert, before he gets too old. But I’m one of those people who has done so much that I could kick the bucket now, and be very happy knowing I’ve done more than 99% of the people I know.

What’s the most rewarding thing about working at CSM Production?

For me, it’s seeing how we’ve grown. When I started, we were one truck and a handful of six or seven people. Over the years, I’ve worked in every division of this company, and that allows me to have a better understanding of how everything operates.

The Zombie Apocalypse is coming. Which three people are you joining up with to fight the zombies?

I would say Ronda Rousey for sure…Samuel L. Jackson, absolutely. I think I’d also go with George Washington, because those three together would be an amazing, but hilarious team.

If a movie was made about your life, who would play you, and what genre would it be?

It would definitely be a comedy! [laughs]. As for who would play me, I couldn’t say. There’s only one me, and I don’t think anyone could play me any better. I’d be playing myself. I wouldn’t sign over movie rights to my life!


What’s your favorite sandwich?

I love a grilled turkey and cheese on Texas Toast, with any kind of cheese that melts - American, Cheddar Jack - any of that.

If you were an Olympic athlete, which sport would you want compete in?

I have a swimmer’s body, because whales are swimmers, so I wouldn’t be an athlete. I’d love to do the ski jump, because it’s bad ass, and I have no idea how they do it. I grew up watching them on “Wide World of Sports” - that was the only winter sport exposure we had growing up in Arizona! That or bobsled. But not luge, because I’d die.

What’s your cell phone background?

An image of Clemson’s ACC Championship in Charlotte, featuring confetti shot by our team, with stages that CSM Production provided. The best part was is that I was in the stands watching and not working!

Do you have any hidden talents or talents would be surprised to know you have?

I do a good amount of woodworking, that’s about it. If I went on America’s Got Talent, I’d probably lose! [laughs]

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Exactly what I am now. When I grew up, my dad owned a diesel shop and towing company - later on a ranch. I always liked big trucks, and big planes, and my goal was to work with some of the biggest planes in the world and to be around some of the biggest trucks in the world - and I’ve achieved it.