Originally from Maryland before relocating to the Carolinas as a child, Chris Brayboy is People Partner for the entirety of CSM North America and works out of the CSM Production Office.

While focused on improving the onboarding and off-boarding processes at CSM and revising corporate policies, Brayboy notes that he’s focused on “continuous improvement” company-wide. A self-described “people person,” Brayboy gravitated to a career in human resources due to its nature of strategic business thinking, but also as a way to connect with people on a deeper level.

After graduating from Charlotte’s Johnson and Wales University in 2014 with a degree in Business Management with a focus in Human Resources, Brayboy worked in a wide variety of human resources and talent acquisition roles at companies including CDA, Belk Corporate and Maestro Health before joining CSM in January 2022.

Brayboy currently resides in Charlotte and is the youngest of four siblings.

Connect with Chris on LinkedIn!


What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Be Your Authentic Self. When you present your true self, magic happens.

What’s one thing on your bucket list you’ve yet to accomplish?

I want to visit London. The architecture, the accents. I know there’s a ton to do there, and it’s somewhere I’ve always wanted to visit.

You are hosting your own late night talk show, who is your first guest?

Jamie Foxx. He’s an actor, he’s a singer. He’s hilarious. His perspective on things was really cool. It was different, but also relatable. I think we’d have a good back and forth.

What’s the most rewarding thing about working at CSM?

I like that it’s so creative. It’s great to see things on the back end and from the perspective. Seeing how things are done and the effort that it takes to do them is really cool. It’s been really good to be in a different industry with great people!

If you could see one movie again for the first time.

That’s deep. The first that comes to mind is Die Hard, but that’s a favorite of mine. I really love action movies. But, I’d have to go with The Nutty Professor.


If you could have dinner with any three people from history, living, dead or fictional, who would you dine with?

Bruce Willis, Barack Obama, and Beyonce. That would be a party!

What’s your favorite sandwich?

A Philly Cheese Steak with provolone. A lot of meat, a good bun, nice and warm, a little toasty. Peppers, Onions and Mushrooms, put it on a plate, and give me some fries!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

Originally, it was an astronaut. Who didn’t want to go into space? Then, it was a doctor. My mother was in the healthcare field, and I volunteered at a hospital growing up. Then I realized how much schooling it would take to be a doctor! (laughs)

If you had to remove all but three apps on your phone, what would you keep?

Instagram, Word Search, and The Bible App.

Do you have any hidden talents, or talents people would be surprised you have.

I can sing, I can dance. I used to teach hip-hop dance, and I’m also currently learning tap, jazz and contemporary. I also enjoy doing spoken word. I have written a number of things, they’re all in my phone and I’ll perform them one day!